
Welcome to our help section. We are proud to be experts at what we do and are happy to let our expertise be of use to you, for free. Because designing a restaurant is never easy we thought that the following basic tools and relevant information will help you in designing your venue and will assist in making a more informative decision when purchasing your restaurant furniture. Hopefully, our tools will help you understand table sizes, capacities, booth layouts & designs and other information related to commercial furniture.

If the information below is not enough, please call our experts at: (888) 346-9992 and they will gladly assist with any questions you might still have.

Layout and Design
  • Restaurant Furniture Layout - Need help with putting a layout together? We will work with you on the layout of your restaurant.
  • Restaurant Seating Guide - Have a look at our restaurant seating guide for more information on correct furniture arrangement and distance.
Table Tops & Bases
Restaurant Chairs
  • Guide to Wood Restaurant Chairs - See the differences between our restaurant chairs and the competition.
  • Wood Seats - Solid Wood seat or Plywood seat?
  • BIFMA- What is BIFMA and why you should care.
  • Why Buy From Us?- A picture is worth a thousand words, and we have plenty of pictures. We'll let the photos do the talking.
Restaurant Booths